Friday, December 12, 2008


What is Music?
What is Rahman?

I ask these questions to myself time and again. I feel they are the same. I’m sure many of you agree with me. And for those who don’t, it is high time you do. I can’t compel you into it, but after reading this I’m sure you will be convinced.

First let us try to get a glimpse of what Music is, because even an attempt to define the eternal would be foolish.

Music is what feelings sound like

It is perspective. You hear it. You dream it. You enjoy it. You feel it.

Music is Laughter,
Music is Tears,
Music is Madness,
Music is Fun,
Music is Fear,
Music is Hope,
Music is Ecstasy,
It is everything what you want it to be.

(then) what is Rahman?

With no trace of exaggeration I would say,

Rahman, when composes music comes closer to God and the same happens to those who listen to it

And now, I have two more similar questions.

What is Music for?
What is Rahman for?

Words make you think (a thought), Music makes you feel (a feeling). Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonders to who we are, and for what whence, and where to. Music is God’s gift to us, the only art of Heaven given to Earth, the only art of Earth we take to Heaven. Music and silence combine strongly because Music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.

"When music speaks out, what cannot be expressed?
It soothes the mind and gives rest, heals the heart and makes it whole. Music is enough for a life time, but a life time is not enough for Music"

(Then) What is Rahman for?

Without Music (or Rahman), Life Would be an error

Here is the slide-show with a sweet song

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